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While there's loads of good reasons to celebrate the start of a new year (waxing daylight, fresh starts, fun crossing out 4s and writing 5s), one of my favorites is having a little more time of my own after the rush of holidays and end of the year hoopla. My brain switches from survival mode after working so hard to get piles of orders out as quickly as possible, to creative mode to come up with ideas to fill the time.
One thing I'm trying to do is get ahead of my massive custom project calendar a little bit. I schedule one custom project per week, and if I can squeeze more than one project into a week, that's priority number one. Then, it's on to listing previously custom designs to make them available to anyone. That's what this and the next few posts will be about: showcasing new pieces in the shop, and adding them to my repertoire. A little more free time yields a little more blogging, too! I hope you see something you like.
First up: the lovely Lake Tahoe. If Lake Bemidji is the watery footprint of Paul Bunyan's logging boot, then perhaps Lake Tahoe is the deep remnant of some sandal clad aboriginal giant who crested the Sierra Nevada eons ago. Click on the photo below to take you to the shop page for this piece.