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East Coast? West Coast? NO COAST!


Let the countdown to mass craziness begin, baby. Here's all you need to know:

What: No Coast Craft-o-Rama
When: De-cem-ber 3rd & 4th
Where: Midtown Global Exchange building in Minn-e-apolis
Who: Craft-er-all and a boat load of some of this region's coolest artists and handmade geniuses
How Much: How much you got? ;)

Seriously, I'm psyched and totally inventory deficient. Going to stock up first on some bulk "Midnight Oil" so I can burn the heck out of it.



14 years 2 months ago

I saw your work at No Coast! It's pretty great! I was wondering if you could do a topography cut of Lake Winnibigoshish. I'd like to give it to my dad for Christmas. We used to spend each summer at this lake.

Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the kind comment, Emily! Please check in with me at my shop to place your custom request. :)